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Upload your .PDF design here to our dropbox before purchase.

Save your .PDF file name as "Your Name signicade side1" and"YourName signicade side2" so we can match it with your order. Submit 2 seperate files for each panel.  If you are just ordering 1 replacment panel and no frame save your .PDF file as "Your Name replacement panel 1" and or "Your Name replacement panel 2" if you want 1 or 2 panels.

OR give us a call at 385-233-1090 to have us design it for you for a $30.00 charge.


Great Pricing, 3 options:

# 1:  Plasticade Deluxe Sign Frame WITH 2 inserts $175.00

# 2:  QTY 2   24x36 INSERTS ONLY (no frame) $79.60

# 3:  QTY 1  24x36 INSERT ONLY (no frame) $39.80



Signicade Deluxe A-Frame

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